#AutismTechTalk: Sensing Technologies for Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening and Intervention 18:49 This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in sensing technologies that are relevant for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) screening and thera...Read More
#AutismTechTalk: Cloud-based mobile app helps detect autism early 15:51 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a range of neurodevelopmental disorders that can impair an individual's ability to learn and...Read More
#AutismTechTalk: Auticon: the IT consultancy that employs only autistic IT professionals 09:26 Ray Coyle, UK CEO of IT consultancy Auticon, is responsible for the firm's UK arm, and the consultancy employs only tech consultants w...Read More
#AutismTechTalk: Professor Simon Baron-Cohen said Lauri Love is 'not aware of consequences' 11:03 The Asperger's suffered by an alleged computer hacker is so acute he is 'not aware of the consequences' of his actions, the ...Read More
#AutismTechTalk: Autistic Individuals Can Help Solve Cybercrime, Just Like Alan Turing 10:58 During his lifetime, he was not diagnosed as such, but he was fit for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) due to his social inelegance and math...Read More
#AutismTechTalk: This app can spot signs of autism in children as young as 18 months old 11:32 One goal is early diagnosis: autism can be identified at 18 months of age, yet the average age of detection is four. The data collected ...Read More
#AutismTechTalk: Student with Asperger's syndrome thrives beyond circumstances 09:50 A man from Enterprise, Mississippi is beating odds with his passion for computers. At the age of nine months, he had a ... Read More